A lucky find, we discovered who created the Zap Toot 3D video clip on YouTube!
Uploaded on Jan 2, 2012
Life is filled with a myriad of challenges. Climbing Everest. Navigating the ocean depths. Creating renewable energy sources. Getting a hyper-active purple elephant to stay in place for longer than 30 seconds. Alright, so maybe talking purple elephants don’t exist. Yet. That didn’t stop us from creating our own in the 3D world for RES Interactive.
One of the most difficult things to do with a 2D property is translate it into a 3D world. Tootsville is one of the latest properties we have navigated through that difficult transition. This popular brand existed primarily as flash animations and drawings, which provided us for great reference material. Special attention was placed on keeping the profile and fun form of the original 2D art while creating this :30 intro for the property.
It was created by: Element X Creative.com
The new Ultra Toot model is not based on their animated character. Unfortunately, we have to re-create ours from scratch.
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So, aside from that agency, which element is the tenth one? It’s Neon.
Here’s a YouTube video talking about Neon from WizScience.com.