In Tootsville, there are all kinds of Toots! Toots, as you know, are magical elephants who can use Wish Magic… Read more Magic Toots, Operators, and more
Author: CIWTA Team
The Corporation for Inter-World Tourism and Adventuring ( are the creators of the new Tootsville online game and curators of the fictional world of Tootanga
Tootsville IV: Otie’s Corner (history blog)
Between 2010 and into 2012, Tootsville player “Otiekinz” wrote a blog about what was happening in Tootsville. You can read… Read more Tootsville IV: Otie’s Corner (history blog)
Building In Accessibility
We want as many players to enjoy Tootsville as possible. First, we are developing the game for the most typical… Read more Building In Accessibility